COORDINATOR: „Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați, Engineering and Agriculture Faculty of Brăila
Project Director: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Adrian LEOPA
First, with regard to the design, manufacturing and testing activities of the air/aquatic monitoring platform, AWISEM project is based on the established knowledge and experience of the coordinator's team members, in the technical-scientific fields, such as hydro- and aero dynamics, flight physics and remote flight control and aerial sensor monitoring.
The specific experience of the CO-UDJG, coodinator’s project team, in the design of aerial platforms for monitoring the natural environment, using Coandă-effect aerial vehicles, was acquired since 2008, through the researches and work carried out in the frame of a PNII national project (MEDIAS), for a duration of 3 years and was strengthened in a second (international) project using aerial and aquatic drones, between 2015 and 2017, both of them focused on environmental monitoring.
These projects directly contributed to the development of the university's research infrastructure, with drones and drone components, as well as with various other equipment and devices used in environmental monitoring.
PARTNER: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics - Măgurele
Partner Manager: Sci. Researcher I Mihaela FILIPESCU
Similarly, the experience of the partner team, P-INFLPR, in the field of submission of materials in the form of thin films, is highly advanced and has already been demonstrated by the large number of projects and publications related to similar topics.
The existing equipment of deposition and characterization is up-to-date, covers various technics and allows the obtaining of large variety of thin films with well-defined properties.
To obtain the sensors specific to the contaminants monitored, different configurations will be tested and, as a result, the most suitable combination of nanostructures and electrical properties will be chosen, by performing physical tests that allow to identify the most suitable configuration of thin CNT-based composite films capable of detecting, with maximum sensitivity, the specific contaminants, in air or in water.
Coordinator: „Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați (UDJG)
- Project Director: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Adrian LEOPA
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Florin NEDELCUȚ
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Niculai HAUK
- Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Silviu-Ionuț EPURE
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Carmelia DRAGOMIR-BĂLĂNICĂ
- Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Anca ȘERBAN
- PhD candidate Eng. Valentin BĂRDĂHAN
Partner: National Institute for Laser, Plasma & Radiation Physics (INFLPR) - Măgurele
- Partner Manager: Sci. Researcher I PhD Mihaela FILIPESCU
- Sci. Researcher PhD Maria DINESCU
- Sci. Researcher PhD Alexandra PALLA-PAPAVLU
- Sci. Researcher PhD Marius DUMITRU
- Sci. Researcher PhD Nicu SCĂRIȘOREANU
- Sci. Researcher PhD Valentin ION
- Sci. Researcher PhD Valentina DINCĂ
- Adrian BERCEA
- Luminita PĂTEANU
- Nicoleta ENEA
- Florin ANDREI